Kingston Humane Society Logo

Pets Available for Adoption

The CATS and DOGS listed on our web page
are just a few of the many animals available for adoption. Older animals and those in foster homes are listed separately.

If you are thinking about adopting a pet please visit the shelter. If you are interested in one of the cats or dogs listed on the web please make a note of the name or number of the animal.

Conditions of Adoption

Please note that the cost of adoption has changed and now includes the fee for spaying/neutering. Previously, puppies and kittens were spayed/neutered at the owners expense. Also, in order to match people and pets it is necessary for all potential adopters to complete an adoption application form.

Adoption Costs

Spaying and Neutering

All animals 6 months of age or over must be spayed/neutered. This cost is covered by the Kingston Humane Society. At the time of adoption an appointment is made with the vet clinic of the adopters choice.
Vet clinics state that the rabies vaccine must be given before surgery, either the day of, or 10 days prior, which is at the adopters expense.
Any adult animal already spayed/neutered just needs the rabies vaccine.

Shots given at the shelter before adoption

Cats receive:
  1. FVR: Feline viral rhinotracheitis
  2. Calici virus
  3. Panleukopenia
  4. Chlamydia

Dogs receive:

  1. Distemper
  2. Parainfluenza
  3. Parvovirus
  4. Hepatitis
  5. Bordatella

Adopters are responsible for the second set of shots which must be done a month after the first set.

Any animal adopted from the shelter is under a two week trial period. If the adoption does not work out then it can be returned to the shelter and the adopter has 1 month to choose another animal. There are no refunds.


Dogs available for adoption.

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