About ...

Initially launched on August 18, 1997, this series of pages is devoted to the presentation and
understanding of genealogical resources available for the 'at-a-distance' researcher
with interests in the County of Frontenac,
an administrative unit located in the
South-east region of the Province of Ontario, Canada. .

I welcome and encourage your input!
If you have any files, notes, Indexes, or favourite sites
that you think might enhance our collective research interests where
this County, the Province of Ontario, or Canada itself are concerned,
I'd be interested in hearing from you.

Please let me know of any broken links.

Thanks for your assistance, and your patience,
as I continue to construct these pages for our collective interest.

The Frontenac County GenWeb Project Pages are part of
The Ontario GenWeb.

These pages have been designed to be intentionally free of extraneous graphic images, with a reasonable degree of 'white space',
permitting you to focus on the content, enhance download time and reduce costly connect time charges.

The Frontenac County GenWeb Project Pages are hosted on server space provided by Bruce Murduck.
Page maintenance is currently provided by Jason Murduck.

Best viewed in 800 x 600 resolution.

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Copyright 1997 - 1999, Bruce Murduck
Latest Page Revision: 17 May 1999